Foto by Johan Linder

Johan Linder, you're awesome! :) Thanks dude! ;D





Merry Christmas

. j j .
. .
Merry Christmas

Photo by Johan Linder

Okey, I was going to wait until christmas to give you a sneakpeak on what happend on the photoshoot, but I just got the pictures and I can't wait! :D

j j
By Johan Linder

Diarypost #2

I was looking at communitycollege for acting when I woke up this morning. There is three that I wanted to read more about. All of them was in the south of sweden, so that means that I'm gonna have to move there. But i would do anything for a dream!

The photoshoot when well yesterday, I'm getting some niiice pictures for my acting CV and maybe for my modeling CV aswell. Hopefully that will result in more jobs and better ones. I'm going on a photoshoot December 27th aswell, but those pictures will be totally different. It wasn't until I was on my last job where I met a girl who was modeling that I started thinking about doing it aswell. She was to short to become a runway model, but not to short to become a fotomodel, so why not me?

I'm extending myself all the time. When I came up with the idea of becoming an actress I wanted to be in a big movie right away, but on my way there I've seen that I can't just walk in to the actingindustry without anything to back me up. So I've done a lot of jobs as an extra (statist), I've been in commericials, films and all sorts of different TV jobs. I'm gonna take singing lessons in the spring, I've started with actingclasses and I'm still extending myself. You never know what you have to know, but it's up to you to learn and study to become better. I'm thinking of studying languages, gymnastics and other things to make the best out of myself.

Have a nice day, Jess


I'm all set for the photosession today, my hair, my make-up and I are ready to kill it today! :) The results (as I told you before) will be shown here and on Facebook later (in January). You'll get a sneakpeak on christmas!

not much

The recording today was sick, it was windy, cold and it was raining. Boring aswell. But I talked to some nice people and tried to stay happy.

I'm going out tonight with some friends, going to be fun! I think I'll try to get some sleep soon, to stay happy and awake all night haha..


Just found out that I'm working tomorrow and not with what I first was planning on doing. They called me from Moviemall (a casting agency) and asked me to be in the recording for a commercial I think, it may be a like promotionfilm or something. :) tell you more about it after the shooting tomorrow!

Next week a friend of mine is going to take some photos of me that I can use for my acting CV. Also, more about that later.


Imrovisationsteater, method acting
våren 2009

Show must go on

Was doing make-up and some hairdues for a show at Rudbecks gymnasium today. Went up at 5.30 to get a ride to the school at 7. After we were done with make-up and hair I sat down to watch the show. Was fun and I laught a couple of times :).. Good work you all!

Anyone, sleep.

Soooo freaking tired! Hate that I can't sleep, went to bed early, so I sometime could fall asleep. When an hours past I did something else for a bit and then tried to sleep again. Think I fell asleep at like 00 and woke up at 04 for half an hour and now I woke up again. Tired of ths shit!

Whatever, Jess


Just read my mail, got two joboffers today. The first one is for this musicvideo, but only as an extra (statist), but it's really fun doing jobs like that! The other one acually is for a short film, as an actress (one step closer to my dream). Can't tell you so much more about it now but I read the script and I liked it .

Löööv, Jess

Romeo must die - Joel Silver

This is the monologue I do in my actingclass.

You know, once Colin and I did something we thought would really be funny. He hid out front, while I ran to tell my mom he'd been hurt, you know, hit by a car or something really bad like that. And when she came running, he was supposed to jump out and surprise her, and we'd all fall out and have this great laugh. Me and my mom always loved a good laugh. I was about 8 or 9. Colin was, like, 11. I don't even remember how we came up with it, but, sure enough ,you know, I start screaming and yelling, and my mom comes running out of the house, and she's like 'Trish, what's wrong?' and when I told her, I mean... the look on her face. I mean, even when Colin popped up to show it was just a joke, she just couldn't stop crying. She just held him close...clutched him, you know. I was just a baby, I didn't get it then, but I get it now. Colin's dead. And no matter how hard I cry, he's not just gonna pop up, and show me it was just a joke.

Lots and lots of tears, maybe i'll put the scene up here someday. ;)

Lerias reklamfilm.

Hittade just en länk till en reklamfilm som spelades in i början av oktober, jag och en statistvän är med i denna reklam.

"God bless you", Jess ;)

Haha, fick just reda på att jag kommer spendera halva min födesledag på en kyrkogård för inspelning av en film, kan ju tyvärr inte berätta vilken film det är och inte heller vilken kyrka vi kommer spela in vid. Tänkte bara meddela att jag är rädd för kyrkor och sätter egentligen inte en fot inne i en sådan, rolig inspelning för mig eller hur?

"God bless you", Jess ;)

Nu har jag suttit vid datorn i 30 min och fyllt i massvis med information på . Kolla in min profil där! 

Träna monolog

Varje lördagmorgon klockan 07.00 går jag upp för att klockan 08.00 gå till bussen för att ta mig till andra sidan av stan för att gå på min älskade teater. Älskar den inte så mycket varje lördagmorgon när klockan ringer, men det hör inte till saken. När jag väl är där är jag mer än glad.

Vi har fått i uppgift att framföra monologer, men det är skojj för man får välja vilken man vill. Jag har tagit redo på (utav en slump) att jag har jättelätt för att gråta när jag framför min teater, så jag valde såklart en monolog som är väldigt sorglig! Sen har jag även en dialog jag ska framföra nästa lördag med en av mina teaterkamrater, hon har tydligen sett denna dialog blivit framför förut, vilket jag inte har. Så jag kommer ha noll koll, haha.

Nu ska jag träna lite på min gråt monolog. Hejs.

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