
When I was working about 1 month ago with an actingjob I got so dirty and I couldn't find any time to do the dirtywork afterwards. So I had to do it today so I can bring my shoes to London. So this is like 1 hours ago.


And this is my stupid arm, it's hurting. But I guess that you wanted to see a picture of it? :P hahah


:) laugh

grrrrr, I'm hungry and I have my lunchbreak at 12. Sucks :P.


Haha hittade ett jätteroligt klipp på Grapetonic's blogg.


Ganska tråkig, men om man har dålig smak kanske man gillar detta!?

Things happends

N: What are you doing this weekend?
Jess: The only thing I know is that I'm going to Ambassadeur on friday.
N: What is that!? For which country?

Jess: HAHAHAHHA, it's a nightclub.



First real party -
Short facts:
Medium age
- 23
Outfit - jeans, sweatshirt, sneakers
Make-up - eye liner, mascara - period.

What happended - We ordered ten 33 cl 3.5% (whatever that is in english, but like soft beer or mellanöl). We got ten 50 cl 5.2% (whatever that is in english, but like strong beer or starköl). A little missunderstanding, but it kickstarted our drinkingcarreer. Guess we have to thank M&D that one ;D. The first problem was to get the beer out of B's house (we were 14, okey?). We tolds B's parents that 25 beers was C's stereo. B's parents asked "What were you doing with her stereo, when you have your own?" We ran like we were trying to escape from the police (no, that was 2 years later). We were gonna have a party in the suburbs with M&D and C&R but because of the weather we took a train to the big city "Karlberg". At this time C&R droped out about the same time we realised that C's stereo was leaking. We lost a beer - that's what we like to call "alkoholmissbruk". After that B slipt on the livingroom floor (- it was really slippery) and J had gone to the toilet at least 15 times we desicded to go to the afterparty at a laser game arena called cybertown, we catched the last train home 00.50 (12.50 a.m.) were J went to the toilet again.

Later - you will hear more about "Partyfacts by J&B

Can u?

Can you do this?

What happened:

  • Most wanted gift I got: Lussekatter
  • Most fun I had today: Partying with Friday
  • Something I didn't expect: Meeting some old friends and getting lots of free drinks. haha
  • Most unexpected person to congratulate me: Özz Nûjen
  • First person I got a birthdaygift from: My dad's ex girlfriend
  • Worst thing that happened: I was walking on some ice and fell right outside of Ambassadeur a nightclub in stockholm, have bruises all over my body!

  • Flygande ferrari

    haha, en dröm jag kanske ska skaffa mig! Att köpa en flygande ferrari, men är det verkligen  miljötänk? Läs mer

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