
I <3 Simon Dumont

skiday #5

Went skiing today with my brother and 3 of his friends. We went to Kungsberget where they have some rails, boxes and some small jumps. I didn't do anything I didn't do last season, but this was the warming up part. I didn't get any pics from today or this sunday but hmmm, guess I'm going to take even more pics next time!?

My brother was better than I though he would be, but I was better ;) haha...

Skiday #4

My fingers are hurting so bad after our nice skisession today. Fell in a really wierd way so I lost my poles and was skiing on my back. :P Get it or not, I'm not going to write an essay about today because of this.

But this was the first time I skied on a "mountain". The times before this it was in my biiiig garden. haha.. We jumped a little bit but I took it careful due to my previous injuries from skiing.  But I had a lot of fun and hopefully I'll ski some more soon! ;)

To him haha

Roy Kittler, here you go. I'll post a pic on my dreamskis for this season. Which I'm not going to buy :(.


So I went to Peak Performance VIP sale yesterday. Here are some goodies that I got!
  .  .  .  xdgedv

Skisession (or not)

We where gonna have a skisession, but it got a little bit to "not serious" for that.




Have some stuff to do today, but i'll get home around 4.30. Anna and I are going to hit the rails now that we have snow, post some shittyass vid at us later!

Later dudes, Jess


Raila imorgon, någon?


Anna is sooo much fun, sorry for my not so hot laugh! :) hehe, just couldnt stop.

Pics from sunday


Skiday #2

So, we went to Magenta yesturday and it was so much fun. Had a table full of drinks and lots of friends to share it with.

This morning was even better when Annabanana, Bells and I got up at 9 am to eat spagetti hehe. We started talking and we decided that Annabanana was going to take my skis and try the rail I have. She was really good for a firstimer without snow hahaha.. Then I got on my skis, I wasn't really happy with how it went but whatever.

See you soon, Jess



Jag tycker bara att det var sjukt....


Sooo, this was the first time I was standing on my skis this season. 1 day, more to come. I was kinda scared because never been railing without snow before but it was ok. Think i'm going to do it again tomorrow. :) Put som pics up later ;D


I don't think I ever showed anyone pics from colorado last year. So here is one on me in the sun all cold! Like -10 that day!!



Winter is soon to come

Skidor, stavar och höstkappa

Vinter, vinter och vinter! Det finns ingenting jag längtar till mer, det bästa sätt att förklara denna känsla är den där man har när man var liten och längtade till julafton. Pirr i magen, rysningar i hela kroppen och ja, massvis med obeskrivliga känslor. Jag och A kan sitta i timmar och bara prata om hur mycket vi längtar till vintern, även fast det är en varm sommardag.

Idag var jag och förflyttade mina skidor från min kära mors hus till min kära fars hus där vi ni har ett rail på trädgården. ni som inte vet vad ett rail är tycker jag synd om, men ni som vet, fyfan vilken härlig känsla att kunna gå 10 meter och sen kunna åka lite. Niiiice!

Det ända som saknas nu är lite sats innan railet, men det är fixat inom några dagar. Sen jävlar är jag redo att träna lite.

Later dude! /J