When we got back to the hotel I fell asleep on the couch and our friend for london fell asleep on the toilet hahahahah.. I woke up at about 8 and wondered why I was sleeping on the couch... Wooops.
I like london.
London #1#2
So we got to london yesterday, after some shopping in liverpool. liverpool was fun, cold, but fun. the trainstation was the worst, cold as bloody hell or brass monkeys, as they would say in england.
When we got to london we got a tour of the hole west end, were all the prada, burberry, chanel, gucci and all those stores are located. then we went to an english pub and had a beer, it was fun experience that hehe.. Later on we met some friends of g's. We had dinner at a nice (other) english pub. it was a lot of traveling this monday and B and I was really tired after a hole day. So we were just chilling in the appartment we are staying in.
Today we went shopping. first we went to selfridges, we spent about 3 hours there and we ended up with some clothes from DKNY, Marc Jacobs and some other great designers. Then we went to bond st, new bond st, regent st and some other places. We went in to a D&G store, they hade really nice underwear there, so I got some :):). we had some lunch and then we got lost in china town.
That's all for now, write some more later.....
New years is still a surprise!?
Good bye, hello
The 30th we will go out shopping all day! And ofcourse some kick-ass partying later.
The 31th I don't know what my freind G have been planning on doing, he says that we will be stoked and that we have to be really GLAM! :)
The 1st we are going to rest all day I think hehe.. And the 2nd we are going home to sweden again...


We went to vapiano first, we talked waited for some girls to come, drank and had a good time. Later when everyone what there we were ready to go. So we went to Magenta, again. It was fun, again. I danced the hole night, we met some people we've been partying with before. FvS and I was happy about that, it made the hole night "special" hahahaha..
go to stureplan.se / bilder / magenta fredag 12 December to se pics from last night. I'll post them on my blog later.
I'm going to watch a movie tonight, which one you think?
New years eve
Just talked to my friend that B and I are going to live with in London over new year. Didn't get too much information about what we were going to do on new years eve, but he said he had booked tickets to some really nice clubs and some other fun stuff. I'm gonna have to buy a new dress for new years, but I really don't know what. I think I want to have a red dress that is low cut in the back. But I'll buy the first dress that I really fall in love with. HELP me!?
We are flying to Liverpool the 29th, we are taking the train to London the same day or the 30th. We are flying home from London the 2nd of January, ready to party in Sweden.
Wednesday night
I'm starting to get tired now, so I better hurry up with writing everyting I want said.
It was mostly old people at cafét today, they didn't dance (they may have tried, but it wasn't any success there!). After a few drinks FvS and I went to laroy while B and J stayed at cafét. When we came to laroy I met some friends, too bad they were going home :P. So F and I danced the hole time being at larran. We left laroy at 2.45 so we could get to white room before 3. We met B and J there, they were drunk. But we managed to get in anyway, we danced a lot at white aswell :).
Here is some pics from the long lasting night

FvS and I at Laroy (from stureplan.se)

FvS, J and I at White room (from stureplan.se)

FvS and I at Café Opera (finest.se)
Café Opera

(Borrowed from finest.se)
A + J = true löve
We danced and had so much fun!
Much lööööve, Jess

(Borrowed from stureplan.se)
Blondie (så internt)
With my favorite accessory: A blond friend. :)
But we ended up on a foto at Ambassadeur anyways.