Detox. :)

No new moviejobs, no new anything it feels like. Don't have too much things to talk about. Went foodshopping with my dad today, so I'll have food that I can eat. Because I'm on a detox right now I have some problems with what I can eat. Think I'll have eggs and tea tonight.

The detox is suppose to clean out all the bad things in your body like stress and other things. I'm starting to think that it is working.

Tell you more later, see ya. Jess


So, something good came out from today.
I know I'm addicted to some sort of nightlife!

Tea time

Good morning! I'm going to try to make this a good day, letting my feeling get out of my body and take new happier thing in. It's hard when you wake up feeling sad. I mean, I don't even know why I'm feeling like this.

It's going to be a nice day, I'm going to drink a lot of tea, eat bananas, teach other people things and maybe I'll go out partying tonight.

I'll leave you with the geek in the pink!

Don't you care.

I'm hot, so what? Isn't there anything else than the outside that matter? I don't think I like your way of thinking, saying things and doing them. I have a good inside, but why would anyone care? I look good, and that seems to be the only thing you people care about!?

I'm sick and tired of this now.

I could love you if you noticed me for who I am, not for what I've done or not done. I'm not perfect, not nearly as perfect as anyone else out there. But I am worthy, worthy the time for you to get to know me.


I'm of to work any minute now. Good night partypeople and good morning working people! :) See you soon.

I don't

I really don't like you


Time goes by. Since I started taking sleepingpills I've lost track of time. I mean that I'm just walking around all day, every day like it's nothing. Now I just wanna start living again. After weeks of almost no sleep at all, I was tired of it. I wasn't tired, but I was tired of IT. Now I'm just don't care enough, I eat all the time, or I don't eat at all. I blog all the time, or I don't wanna blog at all. Tired. tired. tired.

Help me live again.


Let the geek in the pink take a stab at it

Small problems

I'm 19 years old, currently living in sollentuna, stockholm, sweden. Right now I want to become an actress who can live outside of sweden, either studying theatre art or acting for film or I want to work for an actingagency who sends me on auditions and actingjobs.

But right now I am doing NOTHING. My actingclasses ended one week ago, I don't have a job and I'm really boerd. What I do is blogging and partying. No wonder I think my life is so sad. I'm having lunch with my dad today, but I'm on this crazy detox so I don't eat to many different things. Hopefully we'll eat sushi so he wont bather asking about the detox thing, it'll end up in a huge fight! I'm always tired because I'm not drinking coffee, But I can't sleep because I'm half asleep during the day and I'm having wierd dreams every night! Waking up at least 8 times every night.

My problems are small compared to other people.

I'm going to study some acting next spring, but it's a long time until spring 2009. So what am I suppose to do while I sit here and wait for time to pass by!?

Beloved Jess


My life is a mess right now, so is this blog. What do you want me to write about?

favorite good night

Favorite food: Spagetti bolognese, sushi and thaifood.
Favorite drink (without alcohol): Chailatté, smoothie, Red Bull
Favorite drink (with alcohol): Jägermeister & redbull
Favorite city: San fransisco, oslo, copenhagen


Believe it or not! But I'm acually working this weekend. With very important stuff. First of I'm going to work with one of stockholms best bowlingtrainers, we're holding a trainer course together. I'm going to learn sooo much! :D happy. Second thing I'm working with is a musicvideo (i think), otherwise it's a comercial recording. Oh well..

Who would have know that I was working?

lucky me

I'm going to the dentist today, wish me luck. Haha

I really don't know

The alarm just woke me up, I'm acually not tired! But I wasn't tired when I went to bed either, my medication doesn't seem to help me that much, I didn't fall asleep for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, I woke up sooo many times i can't even count it. I have the wierdest dreams and I'm just sooo tired of this shit.

Maybe i'm just tired of waking up and all this shit that I'm starting to worry about it?

I don't know. Jess


I'm sitting at work right now, blogging. Hehe. Today we talked about how much time ppl spend on personal activities while working, and the survey we had said about 50% spend over 1 hour on facebook and other sites while working. That's a lot!

I think I spend maybe 10-20 minutes on things like that, but that's too much anyway.

See you soon, Jess


I wanted to post a funny video from youtube, but as usual I couldn't find it.. Have to look one more time later.

I took my sleepingpill yesterday but I didn't sleep enough anyway, woke up at least 10 times thinking I overslept. I didn't. Have to take more tonight, because right now the only thing I want is to sleep a hole night without waking up!


So what if I told you a secret? One that almost no one knows anything about. A secret that would tell you a lot about me?


I'm not going to be able to blog anything during the day, but I'll hopefully post something tonight! B have my camera so I don't know what to do!!! Hopefully I'll get it sunday or something.


Tonight it's my time to shine on the dancefloor! I'm going to wear comfortable shoes and a really nice dress, kick ass make-up and I'll be all set to go to Ambassadeur (the club I fell outside of last wednesday!). Hopefully they won't remeber me haha.
(Borrowed from



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